Saturday, June 25, 2011


I recently discovered the site From what I can tell it's a pretty random site where people post pictures of things they find interesting and love. There are fashion pictures, vintage pictures, funny sayings etc. I look at it atleast once a day because it changes so much and you are bound to see new, amusing, and interesting things. Today I saw a picture of a stand up cheese grater that had been painted a happy shade of turquoise, had legs attached, and was being used to hang earrings from! SO very cute! There was one thing that really touched me today, here is the picture...

The story behind this picture is that this tiger lost all of her cubs due to premature labor. She became very depressed so they dressed these piglets up in tiger cloth and gave them to her. She treated them as her own babies and loves them.

Does that amaze anybody other than me? I think the power that motherhood has in incredible! So incredible that in can change our very nature. The nature of this tiger would have normally lead her to eat the piglets, but the power of mothering and nuturing takes over and she sees them as her own. I believe this can also be true of humans. Now, in light of the Casey Anthony trial I certainly can't say that motherhood has an influence on all mothers, but rather that it can make some mothers really rise to the occasion. I wasn't ready to be a mom when I got pregnant with Bella. I had every intention of waiting until I was about 30 to have children. But that wasn't the plan that God had for me and so less than 2 weeks after my 23rd birthday I had a baby Bussell, and you know what? I rose to the occasion, adapted to being a mommy, and let the power of motherhood, and God, mold me into the mother I needed to be for her, and still need to be.

So to all you wonderful mommies out there keep on keeping on. I know at times being a mom seems like a thankless job, but it isnt. You are so important to your child, and have such an impact on who they will become.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I love the picture and I love pinterest! but more than either of those I love being a mommy! We all know sometimes it is hard but we also know how rewarding it is! Bella is adorable and you are very blessed to have her.. It is obvious what a great mother and wife you are!
